Nike Method 004

Nike Method 004

How does it look behind the ball?

The Nike Method 004 is to all intents and purposes an Anser style putter, but what strikes you when you address the ball is just how thick the top of the putter face is.

This unfortunately left me with the feeling that what I had in my hands was not a delicate, precision tool, but a somewhat blunt instrument, that I would get little feel or touch with.

The double-bend shaft used in this putter is also not the standard for an Anser shape. What this means is that the shaft inserts straight into the putter head (as you can see from the picture), rather than into an upward extension from it (Ansers usually have what's  known as a "plumber's neck hosel").

... on a Nike Method putter

Why does this matter at all? Well, the advantage of having a double-bend shaft is that it obscures less of the leading edge of the putter, because there's less metal to get in the way. What I found with the Nike Method 004, however, was that this was anything but an advantage - you just saw more of the brick-like shape of the putter head, which is not its best feature!

How does the Nike Method 004 feel?

Thankfully my disappointment with this putter's appearance ended quickly - as soon as I struck a ball, in fact. The feel from the whole of the Nike Method 00 series is its real strength. It's a solid, yet soft feel which is good for all speed of greens.

Phew - at last something to like!

How does it roll the ball?

The roll of the ball from the face was great too. You could clearly see how the ball came out "end over end" without wobbling or deviating, and I'm sure anyone would make a good number of putts with this blade.


Perhaps my dismay at the look of this putter is unjustified. After all I loved the roll and the feel.

But for me, there just has to be some feeling of subtlety and delicateness in a putter head's appearance if you're going to have real confidence in your ability to slot a slick downhill four footer when the pressure's on.

Unfortunately the Nike Method 004, just didn't have it.

Others to consider:

Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Select The "more affordable", but rather unimpressive Scotty Cameron.

Ping Karsten Anser Ping Karsten Anser Unbeatable on price and right up there for feel and design.

Ping Anser Ping Anser 2 The Anser is the putter that has been copied a thousand times - now available from Ping at a variety of prices.

TaylorMade Rossa Kia Ma Daytona TaylorMade Rossa Kia Ma Daytona Good looking Anser style putter - Part of TaylorMade's resurgence as a designer of high quality putters

TaylorMade Ghost TM-110 TaylorMade Ghost TM-110 Beautiful square-designed Anser with great aimlines - well worth a look!

TaylorMade Rossa Daytona TaylorMade Rossa Daytona Setup Well constructed Anser style putter - excellent if you're after a good putter at a lower cost - gunmetal color looks classy - feels good too!

Ping Redwood Anser Ping Redwood Anser The design which has won more pro events than any other, made with top quality materials. This Ping is a winner!

Yes Donna (C-Groove) Yes Donna Wide bodied anser-style head with the amazing C-Groove for a terrific roll.

Yes Carolyne Yes Carolyne A straightforward heel and toe design with great roll from the C-Groove

Nike Method 001 Nike Method 001 The best of the Nike Method putters. Favored by Tiger Woods while he was contractually obliged to use a Nike putter. A standard looking Anser style putter, with nice roll and feel. But not good enough to stay in Woods' bag once Nike gave up on the golf equipment industry.

Nike Method 004 Nike Method 004 Face balanced version of the Method 001. Favor this putter if you routinely pull your putts or you're trying to produce a straight-back-straight through stroke.

See some of the history and early advertising for the Ping Anser here.

Not sure if a Nike Method 004 is for you? Click here for our article on choosing a putter to fit your stroke..

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