Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless

How does it look behind the ball?
The Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless somehow looks just right behind the ball. The version pictured here has the slightly narrower flange (area behind hitting surface) due to the wider toe and heel weights, and in that respect it is almost a total copy of the Ping Anser.
Where this outshines the Anser is in the softness of the back edges. Cameron has put his magic touch in there and it makes the overall impression less clunky than, say, the Ping Redwood Anser.
It sits wonderfully square and gives you a reassuring feeling of quality. Since
it also has a generally square shape and prominent aim line, it's also easy to
... on a Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless
How does a Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless feel?
I've owned and used a Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless for some time, but even after that length of time it's hard to describe precisely how it feels.
There's nothing negative to say about it, but I'm also left a bit underwhelmed by it. As you'd expect the feel is soft, and you certainly wouldn't feel worried to take it onto a lightning fast green, but it's just a bit dead... dare I say it unresponsive.
What I will say for it, though is that you get very little feeling of weight in the toe. Excellent if you're violent with the right hand and hook your putts left. On the other side of that coin, however the lack of "toe-throw" isn't good if you're a blocker who tends to hold the putter face open too long and miss more often to the right.
How does it roll the ball?
Although you get a good roll off the Newport 2 Studio Stainless, it's nothing to rave about. I find I get a far better roll from my Ping Redwood Anser which also feels better. These two putters are pretty much the same age and same price and for me there's no comparison between the two - the Ping wins hands-down.
The Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless was an affordable Cameron putter. They used to cost around the $100 / £70 mark, but more recently prices have risen to near double that, as all Scotty Camerons have risen in price. It's a good looker, and extremely functional - especially if you like very little amount of "toe-throw" (i.e. feeling of weight in the toe).
However, if you were to offer me any Scotty Cameron putter, however, this would be near the bottom of my list! Its feel and roll are really nothing special and you can do better with your cash!
Others to consider:
Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Studio Stainless
The "more affordable", but rather unimpressive Scotty Cameron.
Ping Karsten Anser
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Ping Anser
The Anser is the putter that has been copied a thousand times - now available from Ping at a variety of prices.
TaylorMade Rossa Kia Ma Daytona
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TaylorMade Ghost TM-110
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TaylorMade Rossa Daytona
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Ping Redwood Anser
The design which has won more pro events than any other, made with top quality materials. This Ping is a winner!
Yes Donna (C-Groove)
Wide bodied anser-style head with the amazing C-Groove for a terrific roll.
Yes Carolyne
A straightforward heel and toe design with great roll from the C-Groove
Nike Method 001
The best of the Nike Method putters. Favored by Tiger Woods while he was contractually obliged to use a Nike putter. A standard looking Anser style putter, with nice roll and feel. But not good enough to stay in Woods' bag once Nike gave up on the golf equipment industry.
Nike Method 004
Face balanced version of the Method 001. Favor this putter if you routinely pull your putts or you're trying to produce a straight-back-straight through stroke.
See some of the history and early advertising for the Ping Anser
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